Only the most observant among you will have noticed that I already failed in my New Year's Resolution. Well, it was temporary. I got back up as if nothing had happened... technology is wonderful! I am glad I just got that New Year's Resolution trilogy behind me. Time for something new.
I'd like to talk about falling-failing actually. Falling, failing, are normal events in a normal life. With or without a banana peel around, but even more often with a goal to achieve.
It is already March, so chances are that if you have been trying something new this year, by now, you too have failed on some aspect of your goal. And if you didn't, beautiful!!
While falling/failing may be disappointing, discouraging, disheartening. disastrous, here is what you don't need to go through if you don't want to: continuously reliving the pain of the fall. Once is enough. The pain happened when you hit the ground. Sure, you still feel bruised, but you don't need to stay stuck in time.
Here are a few things you can do to recover:
I'd like to talk about falling-failing actually. Falling, failing, are normal events in a normal life. With or without a banana peel around, but even more often with a goal to achieve.
It is already March, so chances are that if you have been trying something new this year, by now, you too have failed on some aspect of your goal. And if you didn't, beautiful!!
While falling/failing may be disappointing, discouraging, disheartening. disastrous, here is what you don't need to go through if you don't want to: continuously reliving the pain of the fall. Once is enough. The pain happened when you hit the ground. Sure, you still feel bruised, but you don't need to stay stuck in time.
Here are a few things you can do to recover:

- Identify what made you fall.
Probably not a banana peel. So? It is often a lack of something: motivation, means, knowledge, experience, courage, ... make sure you get them in your backpack for next time you go out. As you might know, heroes are always well prepared. Enlist more help if needed. See if you need to find a new strategy or just be more patient with yourself and your current way of doing things.
Probably not a banana peel. So? It is often a lack of something: motivation, means, knowledge, experience, courage, ... make sure you get them in your backpack for next time you go out. As you might know, heroes are always well prepared. Enlist more help if needed. See if you need to find a new strategy or just be more patient with yourself and your current way of doing things.

- Remember all the times you did not fall.
See what you have already accomplished and succeeded at doing. Each of those moments were potential failures you avoided. So count your victories, display them for yourself and keep them in your emergency pocket. They prove that you can get it done when you are at your best.

- Remember your goal and what initially drove you to it.
Keep an eye on the horizon, on what is really important to you; not on the pebbles, rocks or boulders on your way. Inspiration lifts up your heart and gives you the courage you need. Go back to step one, look at your goals, visualize them. Is it still what you want? Do you need to make some adjustments? Go ahead, write down your new goal and focus on it. Maybe you also need to adjust the steps to reach it, and explore again your options.

- Get back into action.
Once you are clear about why you failed and you have picked the right tool to prevent the same from happening again, get back on track and continue walking. Look forward to the next obstacle because it is also your next opportunity to succeed.
So, as the title says, spring back up when you are ready and continue on your path! Because whether you do it or not, time will pass, and it is easier to have regrets over things we did than over the ones we didn't do.
Once you are clear about why you failed and you have picked the right tool to prevent the same from happening again, get back on track and continue walking. Look forward to the next obstacle because it is also your next opportunity to succeed.
So, as the title says, spring back up when you are ready and continue on your path! Because whether you do it or not, time will pass, and it is easier to have regrets over things we did than over the ones we didn't do.